How to care for your Handmade Awanay Wool Area Rug

How to care for your Handmade Awanay Wool Area Rug

Congratulations on ordering your handmade 100% sheep wool or llama wool area rug. This is a very unique and special textile, so caring for it is a little different that caring for a standard carpet or rug. 

To keep your Awanay area rug looking beautiful and clean for many years, follow these guidelines: 


Do not expose the rug to prolonged periods of direct sunlight as it can lead to discoloration.

We recommend using a rug pad* to help prevent slippage and protect the rug through its life.  A rug pad provides extra cushioning and protects the wool fibers. Never place a rug on an uncured floor if it has recently been sealed, laid, or treated.

*We can source a rug pad for you from our US vendor -just tell us to include a rug pad to your order (it will be shipped separately from your rug).


Vacuuming regularly* is the best way to keep your rug looking vibrant and clean. It's also fundamental in preventing moths from taking up residence.

We recommend vacuuming your rug once a week but it depends on how much traffic the rug gets.  

It is very important to avoid using the beater brush setting when vacuuming these rugs. The brush is meant for carpets, not woven wool rugs. Most vacuums have a setting to turn off the rotating brush. Don’t use a high suction setting. 

Always vacuum in the direction of the weave, not against.  It's important that all the people involved with cleaning the rug are instructed properly on the proper method.

*VERY IMPORTANT: cut pile (like the Margaritas, Foresta or Espuma rugs) and llama wool rugs should NOT be vacuumed, as the suction can catch on the fibers and ruin them. Shaking these rugs is the best way to maintain them clean.


Never use a stain repellant or stain remover on your rug. This may damage the rug. 

Sheep wool is very stain resistant and it does not absorb liquids easily because it is naturally high in lanolin

The first step in the event of a spill is to absorb the liquid with a paper towel or cloth as soon as possible. Press gently with the cloth, but don’t rub. 

If the stain persists, you can clean it by softly dabbing a sponge with water, gentle soap, and white vinegar. Never rub the rug, as this can cause the thread to come loose. Make sure to absorb all the soap afterward. If a stain persists even after using these methods, have your rug professionally cleaned by a cleaner that specializes in 100% wool.

For solids, gently scrape off the stain with a spoon, then follow the same method as above.


Always have your rug professionally CLEANED* by someone experienced with 100% WOOL. Never wash your rug in the washing machine or by hand. Never use stain repellents or stain removers on the rug.

*Professional rug cleaners will commonly wash and air dry delicate rugs in specialized facilities.


The best way to protect your rug from pests, especially moths, is to keep it in a clean, dry, ventilated space accessible for regular vacuuming. Do not store your rug in the dark for long periods of time and never in plastic bags as moths love dark, humid spaces. 

Vacuuming regularly also helps keep moths away. When vacuuming, pay special attention to areas below sofas and tables.  If you do have an issue with moths, treatment should only be applied by an experienced professional.


Loose threads are considered normal for hand-loomed rugs and are easily fixed. Just push the yarn back into the weave by using a big crochet needle. If the thread is long, repeat the process a couple of times until the thread is secured back into the weave. Do not cut the yarn.

Pilling is also normal as time passes. A rug specialist can solve this problem, or you can “shave” the rug by using hair/beard trimmers. Be very careful when doing this to avoid damaging the rug.

By following these care instructions you should be able to keep your rug looking good for many years to come. 


Atacama Home accepts no responsibility for damage caused by following the cleaning and care procedures listed in these instructions. This is general advice and you should always consult an experienced wool rug cleaning professional if you are in doubt regarding the care of your rug.